A new study released has found that individuals that take medication to control high blood pressure are at a greater risk for medication errors.
High blood pressure is a serious medical condition. Taking the right medication at the right doses and at the right time is crucial.
Any medication error that disrupts an individual’s medication protocol can have very serious consequences and sometimes lead to death.
A large percentage of prescription error cases we handle involve high blood pressure medication. Some of the most common prescription errors we see involving high blood pressure medication are as follows:
- Wrong dosage (too high or too low)
- Wrong medication (In many instances the patient will receive a prescription for what appears to be the right medication but the pill bottle may contain a completely different medication)
- Wrong instructions for usage
- Dangerous drug interactions
We recently handled a case in which an elderly woman was given an antipsychotic medication as opposed to her regular blood pressure medication by the pharmacy. She didn’t catch the pharmacy’s error until she had taken the wrong medication for several days and suffered an adverse reaction.
If you have been the victim of a pharmacy related prescription error you have legal rights. We handle these cases everyday and we are always available to discuss your issue. Call us at 1-866-764-6060 for a free consultation.